RhinAer Procedure

Social Media Post Templates
Website Content
Website TNSS Form
Blog Template
Patient Email Template


The Aerin® Console is an electrosurgical system intended to generate radiofrequency electrical current for the use of an Aerin Medical Stylus. The Aerin Console is indicated for use in small clinic, office or hospital environments.

The RhinAer® Stylus is indicated for use in otorhinolaryngology (ENT) surgery for the destruction of soft tissue in the nasal airway, including in posterior nasal nerve regions in patients with chronic rhinitis.

Social Media Post Templates

Social media has become a key destination where patients learn about new products and treatments. To support your ongoing social media efforts, we have provided a variety of social media post templates for your use. Feel free to utilize the content as-is, modify, or simply use as inspiration.

Is RhinAer a new offering in your practice? Are you one of the first to offer it in your city? Check out our PR Media Toolkit for additional social media content designed to announce treatment availability and capture your local media’s attention. Please ask your Aerin Medical sales representative for a copy.


  1. Download the social media posts template.
  1. Copy and paste desired text into the social media platform of
    your choice, customizing areas highlighted in yellow.
  2. Add an image or video to complement your post copy.
    You may use one of the suggested images or videos featured in the template, or one of your own. For content accessed through a third party website, please follow the licensing requirements associated with the image.
    Aerin Medical is not responsible for unlicensed image use, including copying images from our website and/or promotional materials, and the subsequent fines assessed by image vendors.
  3. Include a Call-to-Action. Before posting, ensure you’ve provided clear guidance on the desired action you want someone to take. We recommend providing a link to the RhinAer page on your website for deeper education, or driving patients to call your office to learn more.

RhinAer Website Content

As patients consider treatment, many will look to your website for additional information about nasal airway conditions and treatment options. To support your patient education efforts and website experience, we have provided RhinAer product page content for your use.
This comprehensive content includes education about chronic rhinitis and the RhinAer procedure, as well as an opportunity to integrate the interactive TNSS Form on your website (see below).


  1. Share this toolkit with the person who manages your website. This individual can download the content and build your RhinAer product page following the instructions provided. TIP: We have included suggested visuals in the template. Additional image and video options can be found on pages 5-6.
  2. Add the TNSS form to your website. More details and instructions are provided below.
  3. Publish your RhinAer product page.
    TIP: We recommend promoting this new page on your social media accounts.

Website TNSS Form

To increase patient interest and motivation to treat, we recommend adding an interactive TNSS form* to the RhinAer page of your website. You can view an example of the form here.

To increase patient interest and motivation to treat, we recommend adding an interactive TNSS form* to the RhinAer page of your website. You can view an example of the form here.

  • With this interactive form, patients can get their TNSS score and learn if they may be a candidate for the RhinAer treatment. 
  • To maximize your impact, provide guidance near the form regarding how someone can contact your practice to schedule a consultation.

To add the TNSS form, embed the following code onto your RhinAer product page:

<div class=”involveme_embed” data-project=”tnss-demo”> <script src=”https://aerinmedical.involve.me/embed”></script> </div>

*Aerin Medical also offers a custom TNSS Survey form, in which all leads generated are sent directly to your practice. Once a patient sees their TNSS Score, they can immediately request a consultation with your practice.
The custom option is available for a small set-up fee; or complementary with a RhinAer Patient Outreach Program (POP) campaign. For more information, please talk to your Aerin Medical sales representative.

RhinAer Blog Template


Many practices feature a blog on their website to generate interest, prepare patients before their office visit, or give patients a destination to review important information following their initial consultation. To stimulate interest and support patients following their consultation, the following blog article is designed to educate patients about nasal airway conditions and treatment options while positioning your practice as a leader in advanced ENTtreatments.


  1. Download the template.
  2. Customize the content for your practice following the instructions provided at the top of the template.
    TIP: You can personalize the blog article further by adding a
    patient testimonial.
    TIP: We have included suggested visuals in the template. Additional image options can be found on page 5.
  3. Publish the content on your practice blog. To add the customized blog content to your practice blog, it may be as simple as copying and pasting the content; however, blog interfaces can vary.
    TIP: We recommend promoting this blog article on your social media accounts.

Template for Download:

RhinAer Blog Article

RhinAer Patient Email Template

Email is a great way to let patients know about the cutting-edge procedures available in your practice. While we have provided an email template for your use, we also offer a high-impact co-marketing program that your practice may benefit from. If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, talk to your Aerin Medical sales representative.


  1. Download the template.
  2. Customize the content for your practice following theinstructions at the top of the template.
  3. Send to your patient database. Be sure to follow-up with any interested consumers within 24 hours.

Template for Download:

RhinAer Email Template

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